
Showing posts from August, 2017

Jerry Brown's Sneaky Gas Tax

It never ceases to amaze me that Jerry Brown -- who claims to be a social justice warrior and a champion of the people -- sneaks in taxes that have a far greater impact on lower income people than his Silicon Valley elite campaign contributors.  The latest is his gas tax that he managed to push through despite the fact that it was extremely unpopular.  Most Californians do not mind paying for things that we need, but we already pay the highest gas tax in the nation and our infrastructure is in a REALLY sad state of repairs.  Carl Demaio, former San Diego Councilman, shared the following on his website: "Depending on the value of your car, miles driven, and your MPG, the typical California family will end up paying $350-700 more per year under the Car Tax and Gas Tax hike!  What’s worse, the money is spent with virtually zero accountability for fixing roads! In fact, Californians already pay the highest gas tax in the country and yet we still have t...

Keep Sheriff Joe Free and Throw Out His Conviction

Former Maricopa County Sheriff, "America's Sheriff,"  Joe Arpaio is an American patriot, who has served and protected American citizens for 55 years. Despite this. he has now been convicted of a crime. This occurred because he upheld state and federal laws involving illegal immigration, which greatly upset the Obama administration. Since this was done a month before the election and Sheriff Joe was supporting Donald Trump could this be an example of a politically motivated hit job? With allegations of illegal unmasking, collusion between the Democrats and Ukraine, Hillary's email, Clinton Pay for Play, Loretta and Bill's clandestine meeting and the DNC fixing the primary --  is it fair that Sheriff Joe was targeted for doing his job? We all need to demand that Sheriff Joe stay free and that his conviction is thrown out! This feat was accomplished by the same Obama administration that let thousands of "undocumented minors" in the U.S. -- and t...