Keep Sheriff Joe Free and Throw Out His Conviction

Former Maricopa County Sheriff, "America's Sheriff," Joe Arpaio is an American patriot, who has served and protected American citizens for 55 years. Despite this. he has now been convicted of a crime. This occurred because he upheld state and federal laws involving illegal immigration, which greatly upset the Obama administration.

Since this was done a month before the election and Sheriff Joe was supporting Donald Trump could this be an example of a politically motivated hit job? With allegations of illegal unmasking, collusion between the Democrats and Ukraine, Hillary's email, Clinton Pay for Play, Loretta and Bill's clandestine meeting and the DNC fixing the primary --  is it fair that Sheriff Joe was targeted for doing his job?

We all need to demand that Sheriff Joe stay free and that his conviction is thrown out!

This feat was accomplished by the same Obama administration that let thousands of "undocumented minors" in the U.S. -- and then turned them over to undocumented relatives -- or even directly to MS-13 members all over the country. Tucker Carlson is doing an interesting interview with a former MS-13 enforcer, where he admits this is exactly what was occurring. We now have expended a lot of Justice Department funds in an attempt to clean up the mess that enabled MS-13 to spread their carnage, nationwide.

How did we determine these tens of thousands of minors were really under 18 in the first place??? Also, how did we determine, who we were turning them over to if they were also "undocumented?" Because of their "no document status," it would be pretty hard to determine.

MS-13 gang members are butchers, who prefer to watch their victims die slowly and in a brutal manner, much like their ISIS brothers do. Other drug cartel types are just as bad as these aforementioned Ghouls, also.

Some interesting statistics regarding this were put together by the Federation for Immigrant Reform, here.

In Maricopa County, where Sheriff Joe served, there is a lot of crime camouflaged in the "undocumented immigrant community." Drug cartels, kidnappings, and homicide are rife in the area. Many undocumented immigrants are also forced to work off their debts by committing a whole slew of crimes for their criminal benefactors.

It would make sense that Sheriff Joe would need to get aggressive in dealing with this clear and present danger to the citizens of Maricopa County.

Of course, the ACLU, and all the liberal advocacy groups are "gleeful at Sheriff Joe's conviction." Maybe they should be advocating for Kate Steinle -- or the two women who were raped in Oregon by a criminal undocumented immigrant -- that had been deported 20 times? Despite committing a whole host of crimes in Oregon and California, he received protection from the sanctuary city he was terrorizing!

Who is protecting the documented legal citizens? All Sheriff Joe was doing was protecting the people, who he swore an oath to protect!

Of course, these are but two examples, but more can be found, here.

No wonder we have a full blown heroin and methamphetamine epidemic. One might argue that the poor souls addicted to this poison are victims of the PC culture, which seems to dictate that certain classifications of criminals should be able to operate with impunity.

If you want to support Joe Arpaio, drop a line to the White House, here,

You can also express your thoughts with your political representative, here. While you are at it, encourage them to get Kate's Law to the President for signature.


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