Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Swamp Creature Extraordinaire

There is no doubt that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a very interesting politician. The problem is that she is also one of the premier examples of a bonafide "Swamp Creature" in what has become a sewer called Washington.

After getting caught fixing the election for Hillary in the primaries at the expense of a much more popular Bernie Sanders -- Debbie fell from the powerful post of DNC Chairwoman.  While I am not a Bernie supporter, he was treated unfairly (and very dishonestly) by Wasserman Schultz and the DNC. This is the United States of America and we should be able to expect that certain standards are met in our electoral process.

Wasserman Schultz is a Democrat -- and it never ceases to amaze me -- that she and her colleagues from this party keep calling for the impeachment of President Trump -- when there is no actual proof he ever did anything wrong. In fact, she recently went after Jared Kushner's security clearance, when there is also no actual proof he did anything wrong, either.

This is a little bit hypocritical considering there is A LOT of evidence that Wasserman Schultz has done MANY things that would make her a candidate to have her security clearance revoked. To start with, she got caught rigging an election! The reason she got caught is that because someone hacked the DNC computers and certain rather personal communications came to light. This would later lead to allegations the Russians were behind the hack, but when the FBI offered their assistance, Wasserman Schultz and the DNC chose to hire a private firm to look into it.

This makes no sense at all when the FBI maintains one of the premier capabilities of investigating computer crime in the world. A logical person might ask the question, what did they have to hide?

Since there have been numerous implications by the Democrats that the Russians were behind the DNC hack --  and that our current president has ties to them -- why didn't they take the FBI's help? After the election, the Democrats have seemed more than happy to use the FBI as long as they are looking at Mr. Trump. Of course, again, we must also note that despite months of investigation, there is still no credible evidence President Trump ever colluded with the Russians. 

Now Wasserman Schultz is involved in yet another controversy.

Imran Awan and Family, who are from Pakistan, have worked for a slew of Democratic lawmakers as IT types since 2004. Now, they are under investigation for an alleged billing scam and several massive cyber security data breaches involving the transfer of sensitive congressional data. Awan even had the passwords to Wasserman Schultz's personal devices and was working for her when she was at the DNC.

When Wasserman Schultz had her laptop seized as evidence in the investigation, she threatened Matthew Verdosa, the Capitol Police Chief, with "consequences" if he failed to return it to her. Awan was allegedly using the laptop, but Wasserman Schultz demanded its return because it belonged to her.

Video of interaction between Wasserman Schultz and Matthew Verdosa, here.

Despite this Wasserman Schultz kept Awan on her payroll until he was arrested at Dulles International on Monday evening attempting to flee to Lahore, Pakistan.

This has a lot of people asking what Awan has on Wasserman Schultz and puts a whole new light on what might have REALLY HAPPENED in the DNC Hack.

Meanwhile, President Trump is calling for a full and impartial investigation of Wasserman Schultz.

Yes, Debbie, there might be consequences, but they won't be the ones you referred to.

Awan and guess who?


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