Who Originally Enabled North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions?

Our Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson recently stated, “All nations should take a strong public stance against North Korea by maintaining and strengthening U.N. sanctions to ensure North Korea will face consequences for its relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.”

He also confirmed that it is now possible that North Korea can launch a missile that would put our mainland at risk. 

Too bad previous leaders did not take North Korea as seriously before this!

Since the 90's, our leadership has kicked the can down the road. Bill Clinton, G. W. Bush, and Barack Obama provided A LOT of taxpayer dollars to keep the North Korean regime happy, while they went along their merry way trying to achieve the capability to commit Armageddon. This has led to a situation where our very homeland is at risk today. 

BUT who ORIGINALLY enabled the despots in North Korea to obtain nuclear technology?
Most of the nuclear technology that rogue and unstable regimes were able to obtain came from the "Father of the Islamic Bomb," Doctor A. Q. Khan. Dr. Khan, who developed the bomb for Pakistan after stealing the technology from the West. 

Not only was North Korea's nuclear ambitions enabled by Dr. Khan, but he also allegedly sold nuclear technology to Libya and Iran. Please note -- we recently made one of the most horrible deals in history to curb Iran's ambitions -- where we gave them a lot of money, and a plane load of cash to put off building a bomb. Iran is a known sponsor of terrorist groups, allegedly has ties to North Korea in developing missiles/nuclear technology, and some speculate that North Korea benefitted financially from all the money garnered in the one-sided deal we made with them. 

The Diplomat told an interesting tale of a 40-year relationship between North Korea and reputedly corrupt Pakistani politicians from Zuftikar Ali Bhutto to Nawaz Sharif with Dr. Khan in the middle. The partnership in developing nuclear technology and ballistic missiles between North Korea and Pakistan goes back to the 70's. It should also be noted that China has close ties to both countries and allegedly assisted Dr. Khan in his efforts. 

Nawaz Sharif was just deposed as Prime Minister because of corruption charges based on family ties revealed in the Panama Papers, which revealed shady offshore accounts that a Panamanian law firm brokered for a lot of "well to do types." 

Of course, political corruption in Pakistan hardly started with Nawaz Sharif.  

Asif Ali Zardari, the previous prime minister was dubbed "10 percent Ali" after a scheme came to light during this wife Benazir's tenure as PM. The scheme involved allegations that he levied a 10 percent commission for himself on all government contracts that led to Benazir's subsequent fall from power and exile. Corruption in Pakistan is rife, has a long history, and has led to martial law in more than one instance.

Dr. Khan was convicted in absentia in Europe and subsequent efforts to convict him were thwarted by a pardon. The New York Times did a highly telling chronology showing his illicit actions and the lack of subsequent justice up in this case. 

There is evidence that both China and Russia have assisted North Korea and Iran with technology. Certainly, Russia and China, bear a lot of the blame, but it might also be prudent to sanction all the countries endangering our safety. 

The time is now to take decisive against North Korea and strongly evaluate what is really going on in Iran before it is too late. Any nation enabling this activity needs to be severely punished and should not be receiving any taxpayer dollars in U.S. aid. We also should not be having any financial dealings with them unless they immediately halt any and all dealings with North Korea. 


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