
Showing posts from 2017

Jerry Brown's Sneaky Gas Tax

It never ceases to amaze me that Jerry Brown -- who claims to be a social justice warrior and a champion of the people -- sneaks in taxes that have a far greater impact on lower income people than his Silicon Valley elite campaign contributors.  The latest is his gas tax that he managed to push through despite the fact that it was extremely unpopular.  Most Californians do not mind paying for things that we need, but we already pay the highest gas tax in the nation and our infrastructure is in a REALLY sad state of repairs.  Carl Demaio, former San Diego Councilman, shared the following on his website: "Depending on the value of your car, miles driven, and your MPG, the typical California family will end up paying $350-700 more per year under the Car Tax and Gas Tax hike!  What’s worse, the money is spent with virtually zero accountability for fixing roads! In fact, Californians already pay the highest gas tax in the country and yet we still have t...

Keep Sheriff Joe Free and Throw Out His Conviction

Former Maricopa County Sheriff, "America's Sheriff,"  Joe Arpaio is an American patriot, who has served and protected American citizens for 55 years. Despite this. he has now been convicted of a crime. This occurred because he upheld state and federal laws involving illegal immigration, which greatly upset the Obama administration. Since this was done a month before the election and Sheriff Joe was supporting Donald Trump could this be an example of a politically motivated hit job? With allegations of illegal unmasking, collusion between the Democrats and Ukraine, Hillary's email, Clinton Pay for Play, Loretta and Bill's clandestine meeting and the DNC fixing the primary --  is it fair that Sheriff Joe was targeted for doing his job? We all need to demand that Sheriff Joe stay free and that his conviction is thrown out! This feat was accomplished by the same Obama administration that let thousands of "undocumented minors" in the U.S. -- and t...

Who Originally Enabled North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions?

Our Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson recently stated, “All nations should take a strong public stance against North Korea by maintaining and strengthening U.N. sanctions to ensure North Korea will face consequences for its relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.” He also confirmed that it is now possible that North Korea can launch a missile that would put our mainland at risk.  Too bad previous leaders did not take North Korea as seriously before this! Since the 90's, our leadership has kicked the can down the road. Bill Clinton, G. W. Bush, and Barack Obama provided A LOT of taxpayer dollars to keep the North Korean regime happy, while they went along their merry way trying to achieve the capability to commit Armageddon. This has led to a situation where our very homeland is at risk today.  BUT who ORIGINALLY enabled the despots in North Korea to obtain nuclear technology? Most of the nuclear technology that rogue a...

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Swamp Creature Extraordinaire

There is no doubt that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a very interesting politician. The problem is that she is also one of the premier examples of a bonafide "Swamp Creature" in what has become a sewer called Washington. After getting caught fixing the election for Hillary in the primaries at the expense of a much more popular Bernie Sanders -- Debbie fell from the powerful post of DNC Chairwoman.  While I am not a Bernie supporter, he was treated unfairly (and very dishonestly) by Wasserman Schultz and the DNC. This is the United States of America and we should be able to expect that certain standards are met in our electoral process. Wasserman Schultz is a Democrat -- and it never ceases to amaze me -- that she and her colleagues from this party keep calling for the impeachment of President Trump -- when there is no actual proof he ever did anything wrong. In fact, she recently went after Jared Kushner's security clearance , when there is also no actual proof ...

Are Lyft's Earning Claims for Drivers Too Good to be True?

Update 03/05/2018: A more official study suggesting that my calculations regarding how much a Lyft driver actually makes were correct: Sad that the people at Lyft and Uber are able to get away with this.The rates they advertise to attract drivers are at the very least "flawed if not outright dishonest!" With all the bad publicity Uber has received recently, Lyft  is trying to position themselves with the public as a better option and a good citizen in the techie community. They claim all over the internet that a driver can make up to $35 an hour/$1500 a week, which sounds great, but is it too good to be true? I decided to find out! To begin my adventure, I signed up and ultimately chose to use their new "Express Drive program." where a rental car is provided for a fee. To calculate what the costs would be if I used my own vehicle, I...

Tax Fraud From the Slammer

I was a little disgusted when I read about a California inmate that was committing tax fraud from behind bars. Sadly, this has been going on for a long time. Here is a post, I did on this phenomenon in 2005  and I have seen reports of this surface frequently since then The LA Times reported that , " Howard Webber, 52, was found guilty by a jury Tuesday of conspiring to use stolen identities to file fraudulent tax returns, a scheme that he operated for two years from behind bars that netted him and an accomplice more than $600,000." Apparently, Howard recruited inmates, who for a stipend of $75.00, provided all of their identity information to commit the scheme. Howard and a friend (Clifford Bercovich) were able to create a limited liability company (LLC) called "Inmates Assets Recovery and Liquidation Services" and used W2 forms with made up job information and withholding amounts to facilitate the fraudulent tax returns. The article is not clear whether or not...

Better Business Bureau Tool to Track, Report and Educate Users on Scams

The BBB Scam Tracker is a robust interactive tool to track fraudulent activity in throughout North America. The data I viewed from Mexico seems to be minimal at this point, although this might be because Mexico was added after the United States and Canada. The site collects data from users, who were the victims of a scam, or from smart people who figured out someone was trying to scam them. The tool enables the user to search potential fraudulent activity by keyword, type of scam, location, and time frame. Please note that scams are most successful when they hit a new geographical area because the "word is not out yet." Because of this, scammers frequently travel and even rotate the particular scam in order to catch innocent people/businesses off guard. Just because the particular scam is not showing up in your geographical area doesn't mean it isn't a scam. The scam activities tracked include home repair, tree trimming, tax, advance fee, job, lottery, collectio...

Never Trust Caller ID

Fraud using the telephone is nothing new and has probably been around as long as there have been telephones. After all, a telephone is merely a communication device and can be used to dupe someone into doing something they might regret later. Saying that telephone technology, which has grown rapidly in recent years, has given fraudsters a wide array of new tools. More and more frequently, these tools are used to depart common people and even large businesses from their hard-earned money. Take Caller ID  for instance, which is marketed as a means of protecting our privacy. When I say marketed, it's normally sold to us for a fee so we can see who is calling us. The irony of the situation is that for a fee (over even for free) -- just about anyone can make the caller ID appear to whatever number they desire. The ability to spoof (fake/impersonate) caller ID has been around for a few years. Collection agencies, private investigators, telemarketers, and even law enforcement a...